Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Who can sing with the Maine Gay Men’s Chorus (MGMC)?

Answer: The MGMC is open to any person who identifies as male, or who is male identifying (cis, trans), age eighteen (18) years and older, whose singing voice is within the tenor 1, tenor 2, baritone or bass vocal parts.

Question: How much musical skill do I need to sing with MGMC?

Answer: To sing successfully with MGMC, a singer needs to be able to sing in tune and hold his part. Basic music reading skill is very helpful but not a requirement. It is definitely easier if you can read music but in the past, we have had men succeed in the chorus who did not have music reading skills but were quick learners and hard workers.

Question: Is there an audition to get into the chorus?

Answer: All new singers are given an informal audition. For the audition, you may either bring a song that you like to sing or we will give you a simple song to sing. The music can be a broadway, classical, pop, traditional etc. Just bring something that you enjoy singing. The director will give you a vocalization to sing to determine range. The purpose is to give us an opportunity to get to know each other, determine vocal placement in the group and to give the director an idea of the type of voice that you have.

Question: Are singers ever asked not to sing in the group?

Answer: This can happen on rare occasions but please don’t let this deter you from trying. If the director feels that the singer isn’t ready to be an active singer at this concert he will let that performer know in private. If the singer is interested in more information, the director will give feedback for improvement and suggest goals to work on skill development. He can also make suggestions for singing teachers if interested.

Question: I haven’t sung in a chorus since High School. Is singing in a chorus like riding a bike? You never forget?

Answer: The bike riding analogy doesn’t really work for music. A better analogy is if you once spoke a second language but haven’t done so in several years. Once you are surrounded by the language it comes back to you but it takes a little while. If you haven’t sung in a chorus in a number of years you will likely be rusty. Don’t let that worry you. I always suggest to singers who are feeling insecure that they should sit near someone who they feel is more accomplished than them and listen hard. It will help to copy the habits of a “native speaker”.

Question: I am interested in singing. What do I do next?

Answer: You can contact us at presidentmgmc@gmail.com artisticdirector@mainegmc.org  Information regarding auditions will always be posted on the website and Facebook page on time and location of auditions.

Question: When and where are rehearsals?

Answer: Rehearsals will be on Wednesday nights from 6:30 to 9:00 at First Parish Church Unitarian Universalist Church, 425 Congress Street, Portland, ME. Rehearsals start in February and September.

Question: Are there any dues paid by the members to be part of MGMC?

Answer: Yes. Dues are $50 per concert. MGMC bylaws require dues for membership in the organization. The dues are used for rehearsal expenses and are vital to keeping the organization going. If paying dues causes you financial hardship, please contact one of the board members and they will work something out.

Question: When and where are the concerts?

Answer: We have a PRIDE Concert in June and a Holiday Concert in December. Exact times and location TBA. Check back on this website and on our Facebook page to keep up to date.